About The Program

The Green Street Challenge celebrates the importance of outdoor, unstructured play by laying down sod and creating temporary parks on prominent streets in communities across North America!  If you are interested in partnering to host an event in your community, please let us know!

2023 Green Street Challenges

Our 2023 Green Street Challenge in the U.S.A. was September 16 on Center Street in Rutland, Vermont as part of the Whoopie Pie Festival. 

A big thank you to all the sponsors who made this event possible:

Saratoga Sod Farm, Carpenter & Costin, RRMC, Marble Valley Kitchen, and Community Health.

Our Green Street Challenge in Woodstock, Canada was July 21-23, 2023 as part of the Summer Street Fest

2022 Green Street Challenges

Our Green Street Challenge in the U.S.A. was August 27th from 12pm-10pm on Center Street in Rutland, Vermont. 
Our Green Street Challenge in Canada was August 21st from 10am-2pm on at Yonge and Dundas in Toronto as part of the Open Streets Festival.

A big thank you to all the partners that made this event possible:

Fairgreen Sod Farms, Toronto’s Parks, Forestry and Recreation Division,
Landscape Ontario GROW program, Oriole Landscapes, Sweat and Tonic, Open Streets Toronto, Downtown Yonge BIA


2019 Green Street Challenges

2023 Program Highlights


Events in North America


Participants at Events


Square feet of playspace


Partner Organizations